Ahh, Summer Holiday Started, It seems to a busy Summer Holiday EVER!

Here's the Plan!
## Extra Classes
Maybe you know that I had finished my Junior 2 Study Life! So here's Junior 3 Coming! Not looking forward  to having Junior 3 time, at ALL! The study will be more and more BUSY! Ugh! There will be one big exam per month called

Month Exams.

And also, chemistry is coming ,too. But no chemistry>Bangumi Plan!
See also 追番列表

Hu, Heavy Pressure but fun Plan! This is it! Beg it won't be so boring in my Holiday time.

and...... Hope my holiday is filled with study pressure but fun!

# Photos
Nothing Here!

But here is a Photo of the Physics Class work!

& Last but not least!

I bought A lot of things

Photo here!

Hehe, Only a bit hot when i use it. No other problems